
Sunday, August 3, 2014

Breakfast Tacos

I hate mornings. I'm going to spend every last second in bed. Jacob loves breakfast.

Breakfast Tacos to the rescue!

2 dozen eggs
1/8 cup water
1 pound bacon
1 pound sausage
2 cups cheese (I'm guessing here)
1 cup BBQ sauce or Salsa (another guess)

I cook the bacon in the oven on a tin foil lined cookie sheet at 400 degrees for 20 mins 

I scramble 24 eggs and add about 1/8 cup water to them. Then cook them in my big pot till they're done, stirring every couple of mins so the ones on the bottom and sides don't burn

Meanwhile I brown my sausage in a pan.

Once everything's cooked I cut up my bacon using my cooking shears into the pot, drain my sausage and add that too.

At this point it's typically dinner time so I put this mix into a gallon ziplock bag and make ~4 larger than normal tacos for the family and we eat. Once the bag is cooled off it goes in the fridge.

Then later (usually the next day) I lay out 10 squares of microwave safe cling wrap, 10 tortillas, scoop out the filling, and add a little cheese and BBQ sauce.

Then I roll them. Sides in, bottom up, roll. Move to middle of cling wrap and repeat. Sides in, bottom up roll.

Then 9 go into a clean ziplock bag, and one goes in the fridge.

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