
Saturday, July 26, 2014

VBS 2014 SonTreasure Island

This year our church is doing SonTreasure Island for Vacation Bible School. I am super excited for Caleb because this will be his very first year doing VBS.

I'm also excited because I got asked to paint the back wall of the auditorium "like the beach". This is the image I was given...

And after I asked if they wanted that or just "the beach" I was given free reign... Here are my pictures

Beginning of day one!

Here ends day one, everything's prepped and I tossed some sand up there so I felt like I'd done something.

Day two started with projecting a horizon line and painting it white  before fussing with the ocean and sand over and over and over again.

At this point Jacob got off work and picked up the boys

End of day 2

Day three was a relatively short day because Caleb had an eye appointment, and an hour of OT.
Btw painting over the baptistery is hard... But the water is nice and warm 
End of day 3... Almost got the whole sky blue... Almost.

Day 4 I committed myself to doing that palm tree and finished the sand dunes.
End of day 4

Day 5, just some quick palms and I was ALL DONE :)

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