
Saturday, July 26, 2014

Sensory Processing Disorder: Sensory Seeker

Earlier this month we got confirmation that in addition to his communication disorder Caleb also has a sensory processing problem. Can't say we were completely surprised but it still is a little sad.

Basically the gist as I understand it is for whatever reason Caleb's brain isn't interpreting the signals he's receiving from the world around him correctly. So he spins, falls, chews, licks mirrors in public bathrooms, hits, crashes, shakes his head while running, flaps, and scratches more than a typical four year old would... And while some of you are saying "pfffft, he's just being a boy" this is unfortunately more than that.

All that being said this is not a recognized medical diagnosis. In the occupational therapy world it's a type of Sensory Processing Disorder, but it's not a "real" disorder in a medical journal.

For now Caleb has Occupational Therapy once a week for an hour during which he basically gets to have very structured and focused play using his whole body.

And in addition to that we're supposed to give him a "Sensory Diet" and help him excercise his core muscles.

Things we've bought since starting OT...
An exercise bouncing ball with handle for $2.75 a the thrift store
A Wii Balance Board for $3.75 at that same thrift store
$14 of used wii games

We're also in search of a small indoor trampoline and Jacob's going to make us a tire swing out of one of his old motorcycle tires… Cause lets face it, that'll be awesome

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