
Saturday, July 26, 2014

Sensory Diet: Exercise Ball

The very first suggestion our Occupational Therapist made us was to get a kid sized exercise ball to help with Caleb's core strength and balance. We scored a bounce ball at the thrift store for $2.75.

Caleb does the traditional hold the handle bounce around the living room thing to get out energy and we're also trying to have him use it when he sits at the coffee table or art table. We ate in the basement while watching tv earlier this week and It actually transformed our experience because he actually sat and ate his dinner. Normally when we eat in the basement he climbs wall over us while we try to eat.

It's fun to watch him bounce away while he colors or plays a game (he's playing Word Launch in the photo)

Anyway I like it, he likes it and it's kinda spectacular. I may even try bringing it to one of his speech therapy sessions to see if it helps him focus better.

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