
Saturday, July 26, 2014

Sensory Diet: Wii Balance Board

So when my husband suggested we NEEDED a wii balance board for our unused wii to supplement our OT homework I was skeptical to say the least...

I really didn't want to drop $40 on something for Caleb to PRETEND to balance, jump and run... But then I saw a Wii Balance board for $3.75 at the thrift store and knew my protests were no longer held water in the face of such a deal.

So we get it home and prayed it would work and after a dicey 15 mins did infact get it to work. I had gone to gamestop earlier in the day and pulled EVERY wii balance board compatable game off the shelf, the clerk was ZERO help choosing a game for a 4 year old so I brought home the 4 best candidates and now I'm going to review them to save the next person a little time...

Nickelodeon Fit: If you only get one, get this one. It's an excellent disk full of kid appropriate mini games. Truth be told the audio is a little annoying. BUT it's only annoying because it's giving constant feedback and encouragement. I can tell he's going to get a lot of practice balancing and with motor planning. The best part about these games is you can take as long as you want to finish some of them which is ideal for a kiddo who struggles with motor planning.

WiiFit Plus: If you're going to get two games, get this one. The multiplayer games are excellent. Getting set up the first time takes awhile but once you select the multiplayer games this is a lot of fun. (It's fun for me too) It's nice that you get to use your Mii's so the player looks like your kiddo. I wish the games didn't have a time limit but he's really enjoyed the obstacle course and the bubble balance games a lot. He's also beat me at the soccer game before and loves the long jump. What's totally awesome is I can tell he's going to get better at control and balance.

EA Active: we returned this one because while there is a picture of kids playing on the back, the menu interface is complicated and there are no mini games... This is a very workout oriented disk but I don't recommend it for a kiddo as there are better ones available.

Rayman Raving Rabbids TV Party: Worse game of the lot (for this application) AND I may add the only one the gamestop employee suggested, it went back to the store the next day.

Wii Tips:
Sidewalk Chalk: We are considering painting little feet on our board but in the mean time sidewalk chalk is REALLY helping Caleb stand in the right place... Only draw back is you have to redo it every time
Run the WiiMote: this is especially true for Wii fit plus, If I run the mote and navigate the menus or throw snowballs while he dodges I find he gets less frustrated, gets more work done and has the opportunity to focus more on his balance and motor planning which is after all the point.

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