
Saturday, July 26, 2014

Handout Blaster: Bingo Chips

Okay so we've had approximately 800 million sessions of Speech Therapy in the last 2 and a half years and been sent home with homework after almost every single one. Instead of ending up with a large stack of ignored copies of words and flashcards I've slowly developed some ways to get through those handouts... Today I will share one of my favorite easy ways to blast through some words… No cutting, copying, laminating or prep… hard to beat.

Bingo Wand and Chips

Basically when he gets a word correctly, I put a chip on it and he gets to use his wand to scoop it up. At the end I usually let him play with them for a few minutes which is a lot of fun. Every once in awhile I'll move past a word he just isn't getting and he'll say "no!! I want that one!!" So we'll try some more. 

You can get these on Amazon for $3–$6 depending on the color and we have really enjoyed them. If you don't want to buy something you could use paper clips and a strong magnet.

How do you get through your speech homework?

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