
Thursday, July 10, 2014


Have you ever heard of the show numberjacks??? It's a children's show akin to Rescue Pets but with numbers... I must say it's by far the strangest show Caleb's ever been obsessed with.

How did we discover this oddity you may ask? Caleb's best friend loves it and his mom asked me to make some felt numberjack inspired toys for him...

Here's what I did. I bought 1/4 yard of all the felt I needed... 1/8 probably would have worked but at only $.87 for a 1/4 yard it didn't really seem worth the risk. Then I went to the numberjack website and printed out their coloring sheets.

Traced and drew with a trusty black sharpie. Then during a brief moment of insanity considered embroidering the eyes or maybe sewing on white felt for the eyes and then embroidering... Then I made a good decision...

Fabric paint was my friend. The sharpie even showed through meaning I hadn't wasted time by drawing all the details on. 

That being said having this many eyes staring back at you late at night is a little creepy... Actually it was twice that many because about 3 numbers in it became clear that Caleb would need a set too.

Then I debated for a long time the virtues of cutting out the tops before or after I sewed them to their backs (it is almost always better to cut the backs out after)... I chose to cut after, remembering to sew well inside the black lines because I would be cutting off the sharpie later...

Cut out, experimented with how much stuffing would be best (I liked them best completely unstuffed but got out voted)... Closed up the opening and enjoyed :)


  1. Hello,

    My daughter loves the numberjacks, and she would love these! We live in Australia and I don't have a sewing machine so it would be hard for me to do. Do you sell these on Etsy? Thank you! Would you have the other characters, ie: spooky spoon? Shape Japer? Blob? :)

    1. Sure! As long as you don't mind waiting a couple of weeks because I'm in the middle of several projects I have to finish first. I've made the Problem Blob for my son but that's the only meanie I've done before. I'd be happy to try and put together a couple others too if you'd like.

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  2. Hi, my son is currently obsessed with this show. We live in Kansas, are you still currently making these?

  3. Do u still make the number jacks felt numbers and if so how much for all the numbers

  4. Hello. Do you still make these?

  5. Hello. Do you still make these?

  6. Hi
    I was really hoping you still made the Numberjacks please xx

  7. Hi,do you have these for sale ready made? Thank you
