
Friday, June 27, 2014


Since when were Pokémon cool again? Who knew right? Well it's been a while but we've come up with a cheap silly way to battle Pokémon at our house...

Old McDonals Beanie Babies from our thrift store run $.75 (this Anteater goes by "Armadillow" at our house because I called it the wrong thing and there's no turning back with a four year old)

And some Easter Eggs with colored tape that I already had.

Ostrich! I choose you!!!!
Dillow! I choose you!!!!

Ostrich! Tickle Attack!
Dillow! Smash Attack!
Ostrich! Stomp Attack!
Dillow! Power Spin!
(Repeat and Make up moves)

Oh no! Ostrich looks tired! Ostrich! Return!

Don't forget to congratulate the winning trainer... And if nessessary take a Pokémon to see nurse Joy...

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