
Saturday, July 26, 2014

Marble Run

So I keep seeing these cute marble runs on my Facebook feed. Stuff like, cutting up paper plates, or taping paper towel rolls to the wall or glueing magnets on the backs and setting it up on the fridge...

This all sounds awesome but the fridge was out because all I can see when I think about that is marbles under my cabinets or fridge that lie forgotten until James eats them. 

So I decide to just quickly tape some tubes up during nap time in a place where I'm pretty sure to find the marbles afterwards.

Let's just say... It took a lot of tape and everything kept falling or shifting and it was kinda a disaster... Way more work than I'd hoped.

So I gave it some thought and came up with what I think was a stroke of genius.

I taped little masking tape tabs on our rolls and used our cork board... It's fast, sturdy, easily changed and used so much less tape...

Love it :)

we even got to add a little lego wall to help guide our marbles along the way… so much easier.

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